It is the issue report & proposed patch description for GStreamer; as the link below.
fig 1: download loop thread
fig 2: update loop thread
fig 3: base source thread
[Test URL & settings]:
Wrong codec settings leads to mosaic (ex, use the codec setting of high bit-rate representation to decode data of low bit-rate representation ).
[Root cause]:
1. Race condition between threads.
2. Slow start of gst_mpd_client_setup_streaming() when updating manifest.
Generally we have three kinds of threads within adaptive demuxer for a live (type = dynamical) streaming; they are listed below.
1. download thread:
The flow controller to update fragment info, wait until the target fragment is available, create base source thread to download, wait for completeness, check EOS.
2. update loop thread:
Update manifest according "minimumUpdatePeriod".
3. base source thread:
Actually download bit-stream of each fragment (segment).
[Detailed description]:
Please refer to fig 4, an issued case is illustrated to understand where the problem arises.
Originally the representation is of 250000 bits/sec. Then the update loop thread locks the manifest_lock and by default launches from slow start (the lowest bit-stream) upon the updated manifest. It makes cur_representation to be of 125000 bits/sec.
After update done,
manifest_lock is unlocked.
Since the download loop thread is still waiting for the signal from src thread to inform the completeness of download, the next thread which will get manifest_lock is src thread.
At _src_event when src thread has completed download, gst_adaptive_demux_eos_handling() is executed with manifest_lock locked.
At B.4 gst_adaptive_demux_stream_advance_fragment_unlocked() is executed & the next download bit-rate is set to 125000 bits/sec. At B.7 gst_adaptive_demux_stream_select_bitrate() (in fact, gst_dash_demux_stream_select_bitrate ()) the check of "if (new_index != active_stream->representation_idx)" is false. It is because that the slow start of update manifest has changed active_stream->representation_idx to the lowest one. As the result, the new caps as well as the Boolean variable need_header will NOT be set. It makes the switch of bit-rate without re-passing necessary codec data.
Finally, it leads to mosaic by applying wrong codec data (of 250000 bits/sec) to decode 125000 bits/sec. As at C1 where the next URL is composed of the lowest bit-rate = 125000 but we do NOT pass codec data & header down for this bit-rate switch .
fig 4: an issued case
[Proposed solution]:
As fig 1 & fig 5, to download next fragment, at first download loop thread will update fragment info (by gst_adaptive_demux_stream_update_fragment_info()). It results in the update to
stream->fragment of the type GstAdaptiveDemuxStreamFragment which includes the URI info.
Once GstAdaptiveDemuxStreamFragment has been updated, it will NOT be changed. To take use of this fact, we keep the bit-rate we have downloaded previously and compare it to current target. If they are different, we pass the info of header & caps down.
To avoid passing redundant header & caps, we only do the check if
1. It is a live (type = dynamic) streaming.
2. If the "stream->need_header == FALSE" is TRUE.
Finally as figure 6, within gst_dash_demux_stream_update_fragment_info(), the bit-rate of current chosen representation could be known from: dashstream->active_stream->cur_representation->bandwidth.
Fig 5: Relationship of GstAdaptiveDemuxStream,
GstActiveStream & GstRepresentationNode.
Fig 6: How could we get bit-rate of current target fragment within gst_dash_demux_stream_update_fragment_info()
[1st Review]:
as reviewer's kindly suggestion:
Also, according to ISO 23009-1: